
Since 1970, we’ve distinguished ourselves by taking the time to understand each of our client's needs and work efficiently to ensure organizations and businesses function smoothly and successfully achieve their missions.  

In-Service Training Topics

Robbins Schwartz regularly provides in-service training. We work with you to customize the topic(s) covered and to provide the scope and depth of coverage you desire. Our in-services are normally conducted on-site or at your preferred location and are typically available on a fixed-fee basis. Examples of recent in-services provided by Robbins Schwartz include:

Board Governance – General

  • Open Meetings Act Compliance
  • Freedom of Information Act Compliance and Procedures
  • Bidding Primer
  • Mandated Reporter Duties under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act
  • School Technology Use and Internet Liability Issues
  • Sensitivity
  • Notary
  • Document Retention

DEI Compliance

  • Legal Compliance Review and Assessment
  • Training
  • Legal and Legislative Updates on Diversity and Equity

Labor & Employment/Personnel

  • Sexual Harassment and General Harassment Training
  • Anti-discrimination – Title VII, ADA and Illinois Human Rights Act
  • Employee Leave Issues
  • Effective Evaluation and Discipline of Employees and Protocols For The Hiring Process New Teacher Best Practices
  • Evaluation and Remediation of Employees
  • Teacher Performance Evaluation
  • Managing Employee Misconduct Investigations
  • Effective Employee Discipline
  • Do’s and Don’ts of Interviewing and Hiring
  • Guide to the Family and Medical Leave Act Military Leave and Updated Regulations
  • FLSA and Wage Issues
  • Collective Bargaining


  • Addressing Confidentiality Concerns in Schools: Legal Basics and Common Questions
  • Answers to Everyday Student Records Questions
  • Compliance with “The Care of Students with Diabetes Act” and Administration of Medication at School
  • Food Allergies in Schools: How are you Managing?
  • From Sticks and Stones to Taunts and Texts: Student Misconduct, Bullying and Discipline
  • Managing Student Records and Compliance with ISSRA and FERPA
  • Social Media and Sexting: How to Respond to Electronic Misconduct and Misuses of Technology
  • Student Discipline
  • Student Residency
  • Religious Accommodations for Students
  • Schools and Social Media
  • School Discipline and Tools for Dealing with “Off-Campus” Cyberbullying
  • Student Health Issues
  • Student Speech Issues
  • Service Animals
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Special Education

  • Addressing Student Behaviors: Conducting through FBAs and Developing and Implementing Comprehensive BIPs
  • Adverse Affects Standard in Determining Eligibility
  • Autism Litigation
  • Critical Elements of IEPs: Drafting Individualized Goals and Objectives, Supplementary Aids and Accommodations and Documentation of Continuum of Placement Options Discussed and Considered
  • Determining and Documenting Eligibility
  • Discipline of Students with Disabilities
  • Documentation and Data to Support Development of IEP Components
  • Drafting Legally Defensible IEPs
  • Extended School Year Standards and Obligations
  • Evaluation Procedures and Pitfalls
  • Hot Topics in Special Education Law
  • IDEA Overview: Legal Basics and Procedural Requirements from Pre-Referral to Evaluation to Eligibility to IEP Development
  • Individualizing Present Levels of Performance
  • Response to Intervention: 30 Tips in 30 Minutes
  • Special Education Primer
  • Special Education: Case Law Update
  • Special Education Programs for Pre-School Students with Autism
  • Specific Learning Disability Eligibility: What to Consider and Document
  • Transition Planning and Services


  • Campus Safety and Liability Issues
  • The Clery Act: Disclosing Information about Crime and Security
  • Student Discipline: Ensuring Due Process Prior to Removal
  • FERPA and Student Privacy Rights
  • Assessing Student Clinical Performance: Documentation and Feedback
  • Academic Adjustment Obligations under Section 504 and the ADA
  • Legal Issues in Crisis Media Relations Surrounding a Student Issue
  • Dealing with Troubled or Disruptive Adult Students
  • Processing Sexual Harassment Claims by Students
  • Title IX Compliance Review and Training
  • Religious Accommodations for Students


  • Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
  • The Role of the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Records Retention and Electronic Storage of Records
  • Land Use Control Procedures
  • Parliamentary Procedures at Board Meetings


  • Public Bidding
  • Commercial Contracts and Risk Allocation
  • The Construction Project
  • Purchasing and Contracting
  • Selecting the Construction Team
  • Tort Risk Avoidance